Top 8 “No’s” for New Puppy Owners (2025)

If you have recently decided to add a new furry friend to your family, you must know that taking care of a new puppy is not an easy endeavor. Puppies oftentimes have a mind of their own and do not yet know right from wrong. They must be treated as a baby and you, as their new owner and parent, must take care of them, train them, and teach them how to be a good dog. Adding a new fur ball to your family is a very large responsibility and takes plenty of time and patience. It takes a lot of time to train your new puppy, so knowing the do’s and don’ts of puppy training before you bring home your new furry friend can greatly help you in your challenge of raising a puppy. There are certain things you should never do when you become a new puppy owner. Here are 8.

1. Never use negative reinforcements.

A puppy does not yet know right from wrong and you must teach them if you want to have a behaved, healthy dog. In order to train your puppy, you must have something that they want. If they use the bathroom outside, give them a treat and praise them. If they sit when you ask them to sit, they must be rewarded. If they sleep all night without crying or using the bathroom, they have to know that they did something right. You must use positive reinforcements to train your puppy in a way they will enjoy. Puppies will make mistakes. They will have accidents and they will do things that you do not want them to do. Instead of yelling at them or punishing them, simply focus on praising them when they do something right.

2. Do not overuse the crate.

Crate training your puppy can definitely come in handy if you have something important to do and want to make sure your puppy is safe in the crate. Many times, however, people do not understand how long a puppy should stay in their crate. Puppies, on average, should not stay in their crate for more than 20 minutes at one time. They will feel as though they are trapped and lost, making them want to rebel when they are finally released. Use the crate to give your puppy some quiet time or give you a chance to accomplish something without worrying where your puppy is.

3. Do not be inconsistent in training.

As a new puppy owner, it is your responsibility to train your puppy. In order to train your puppy effectively, you must be consistent. Keep your puppy on a strict schedule by feeding them at the same time, having set play and nap times, and rewarding them in the same ways for something that they do right. If you are inconsistent in training your puppy, it will easily become confused. Your puppy needs to have a routine so it can expect good things to happen. After it eats breakfast, you will know how long it takes for your puppy to use the bathroom. Your puppy will then remember that if it goes outside, you will reward it. Consistency is key in training your new furry friend.

4. Never expect too much from your puppy.

Puppies have an extremely short attention span and often do not remember what they did 5 minutes ago. It takes time for them to learn what they are expected to do. As a new puppy owner, you cannot expect too much from them. Do not set your expectations too high. They are still in training. Before bringing your new puppy home, remember that he/she will have accidents, will find a shoe to eat, make messes, and they will disappoint you in some way. Once you finally train your puppy, you will start treasuring every little thing they do right because you know you are the one who raised them.

5. Never rub your puppy’s nose in a mess.

Sometimes it is a natural instinct to want to rub your puppy’s nose in a mess that they made to show them what they did wrong. This method is not effective in training your new puppy and only scares them. In most cases, the puppy does not even remember what they did wrong since they have such a short attention span. Instead of rubbing your puppy’s nose in a mess, simply clean the mess without making a big deal about it and focus on ensuring your puppy does not make the same mistake. Maybe you can take your puppy outside more often to try to lessen the chances of an accident.

6. Do not isolate your puppy from the outside world.

Many new pet owners are afraid to let their puppy venture out into the world. They do not want their puppy to get fleas, worms, diseases, or injured by another animal. This is a big mistake that new puppy owners can make because even though the outside world is, in fact, extremely dangerous, it is healthy for your puppy to experience new situations. Try taking your puppy to the pet supermarket with you and rub noses with another dog. Let them smell the scents that other dogs leave. Dogs need socialization at a young age to know how to react with other animals and people when they grow up. Always keep in mind, though, that your puppy must remain up-to-date on their shots to prevent illnesses.

7. Never let your new puppy eat table scraps.

It is understandable that some pet owners want to spoil their new puppy. Table scraps are not a good way to show your new puppy that you love them. Their stomachs are sensitive and may not be able to handle what you eat. Letting your puppy eat table scraps can also cause problems in the future with begging and whining.

8. Do not train your puppy when you are in a bad mood.

Dogs are very perceptive creatures and can sense when their owner is in a bad mood. In order to provide the best and most effective training for your new puppy, focus on maintaining a positive mood.

Follow these tips and you’ll have a greater chance at getting through the puppy stage without getting too stressed. Sure, puppies require some work, but they are entirely worth it all.